DC - Howard University College of Dentistry
            Required for all applicants:
            ●	Explain what motivated your decision to apply to HUCD. (5000 characters)
            ●	How does our program fit with your career plans? (5000 characters)
            ●	Describe any experiences and/or skills that have made you more appreciative or sensitive to other cultures or the human condition. (5000 characters)
            ●	Provide a specific example of how you promoted diversity in your community or school. (5000 characters)
            ●	If you could appear before the Admissions Committee what information would you want them to know that is not already included in your application? (5000 characters)
            ●	Tell us about your childhood/adolescence. Briefly describe your family,community, and disadvantage(s), and any other information that is important about your background before college. (5000 characters)
            ●	How did you prepare for you DAT? If you took the DAT more than once, describe your preparation for each. (5000 characters)
            Required when applicable:
            ●	Please describe and explain any academic problems that occured in college and / or graduate/professional school. This may include withdrawals from courses or school, incomplete grades, and grades of D or F (or their equivalent). (5000 characters)